Transphobia: Rife in the media, and rife in society

I will first point out that I am not a transperson, only an ally, so I can only contribute my opinion as a cis-women, if I have said anything that is wrong or unintentionally offensive, feel free to call me out on it.

Yesterday on the way to work I spent my half an hour journey reading the Metro, common practice for me and all the other rush hour commuters on a Friday morning. The metro usually manages to pipe up my anger somehow, being pretty much a free version of the Daily Mail but that day something caught my eye that irritated me even more than usual. It was an article about a trans-women  a teacher called Lucy Meadows who had been found dead in her home, a probable suicide. The first thing that caught my eye was the headline: “Classroom Miss who was a Sir is found dead”. I thought this was rather callous but really what was to be expected of the newspaper. What annoyed me even more was the fact that the picture published was an image of Lucy pre-treatment, surely not how she would have wanted to be remembered.

Further investigation revealed some rather startling and sad facts. The Daily Mail had picked up on the teacher’s decision to start living as a women and decided to make a massive news story of it. Not only did they publish an article complaining about the (rightly) casual attitude of the school to the announcement, but the journo every lefty loves to hate, Richard Littlejohn, wrote a nasty transphobic article attacking Miss Meadows, not only for being transgender, but also attacking her ability be around school children, saying that she shouldn’t be teaching and that having a teacher who has a sex change would confuse and damage the children.

“Nathan Upton is entitled to his gender reassignment surgery, but he isn’t entitled to project his personal problems on to impressionable young children.

By insisting on returning to St Mary Magdalen’s, he is putting his own selfish needs ahead of the well-being of the children he has taught for the past few years.

It would have been easy for him to disappear quietly at Christmas, have the operation and then return to work as ‘Miss Meadows’ at another school on the other side of town in September. No-one would have been any the wiser.

But if he cares so little for the sensibilities of the children he is paid to teach, he’s not only trapped in the wrong body, he’s in the wrong job.”

Littlejohn claims to have sympathy for trans-persons, but his continued use of “he” to describe Miss Meadows strongly hints at his real feelings. I cannot say whether the article contributed to Meadows’ probable suicide, but either way nobody deserves to be attacked in such a way. To say a sex-change is a “selfish need” is a ridiculous and offensive statement to make, by somebody who has no idea what it feels like to feel trapped in the wrong body.

Unfortunately it isn’t just the right wing media engaging in these sort of attacks. Julie Burchill caused controversy in the Observer three months ago in a scathing attack on trans-women, calling them men “with their cock[s] cut off and then plead[ing] special privileges as women.” In fact trans-phobia is common in some branches of radical feminism, with women believing there is no place in the movement for trans-women. They think that anyone born biologically male carries the same male privileges as a cis-gendered male. If even a left wing movement like feminism is rife with transphobia, then no wonder it is so widely accepted! I know very few people personally who refer to trans-persons as their preferred pro-nouns, in fact many refer to them as “He, she, it, whatever.” Why is this acceptable? People are hesitant to come across as sexist or racist or homophobic in this day and age, yet they don’t give a damn about coming across as trans-phobic. It seems to be accepted as the norm that transexuals are weird and it’s okay to be confused or disgusted by them.

Backtrack to my journey to work. On the same page is an article about Justine McNally, an 18 year old who has now been jailed for posing as a boy and tricking another teenage girl into having sex with her. Of course what she has done is terrible, deceptive and I can’t imagine how awful it must be for the poor girl she duped. However at the same time one cannot help wondering why McNally did it. Clearly she is confused about her gender, and was probably desperate to be comfortable in herself. Though what she did was horrible, I think perhaps she did not do it maliciously. This isn’t the first time this has happened, the case of Gemma Barker, who posed as three different boys to deceive girls  cropped up last year, and she was also jailed.  Teenagers need to be told about gender issues and taught to love and accept themselves whoever they are.  If we lived in a world where trans and gender-queer issues were more talked about and accepted maybe things like this wouldn’t happen.

2 thoughts on “Transphobia: Rife in the media, and rife in society

  1. Hi there,

    I hope you find Erol’s comedy as hilarious as I do, delivering truth through selfless love and ridicule. He’s a living Christ, which most people can’t get their heads around, even though performing miracles and exposing evil whilst championing moral truth is a give away.

    He doesn’t really do a lot of self promotion, in the same way Van Gogh didn’t sell a painting in his lifetime, tormented to the end, by bragging psychopaths. I read over your post and wish I could ‘disabuse’ you of the pernicious ‘influence’ upon your thinking of feminism. It’s neuro-anatomically easier for a good woman to put herself in the shoes of an innocent man, innocence existing far more so on the male side of the imaginary ‘divide.’

    My talks with Erol made me realise, that I’ve been brain-sullied by propaganda my whole life, which was successfully getting me to maniacally ‘compete’ with men, to ensure my own secret late-night misery and further widen a divide between men and women across the board, which produces the fatherless chlidren which the ‘system’ is after.

    The system re-lies on you being ‘reactionary’ to simple fact, for everyone’s sake don’t be. Everything you’re objectified by and the daily harassment you’re subjected to is deliberately and ruthlessly aimed at you by Zionists and their army of sexual deviants, who ‘every’ outlet of the media and need badly raised children to protect themselves so they can carry on with their ‘tradition,’ as best lampooned by Saint Mel Gibson in Apocalypto.

    It’s all ‘bullshit,’ as feminism is simply exploiting the default mindset of gullible females, until they become ‘inconsolably’ raging, man-hating, thankless, power-lusting bigoted lunatics, which they’ll subsequently take-out on their unsurprisingly fatherless children. Which is what the Zionist ‘programmers’ want your children to go to primary school ‘for.’


    They know there’s an ‘explosion’ of sexual activity amongst ‘fatherless’ children, after they teach infants sex ed, compared to schools where it’s ‘not’ taught. They know there’s an exponential increase in drug taking and ‘suicide’ when they teach those ‘pseudo-preventitive’ classes too.

    The epitome of evil is to ‘deceive’ in order to commit an offence against an innocent. Our anger shouldn’t be turned towards innocent men, it ‘should’ be turned towards those stirring-it and ourselves for ‘falling’ for it, when coupled to our ‘reliable’ programmed reaction to those provocations and atypical blame-shifting bogus rage issues.

    In brief, a minimum of 2 thirds of abused children are abused by single mums who were culturally encouraged, by moral-imbeciles, to believe they were going to be Zsa Zsa Gabor, but who ends up fighting with everyone who isn’t good-enough for Zsa Zsa, until they’re left alone, with their winnings, fatherless children. Whom their then ingrained lust for dominance and obedience, et al, is taken out on those children, especially by those who get sexual-pleasure from outing their ‘frustrations’ on ‘innocents.’

    Which in turn, means those children are 2 thirds more likely to become anti-social personality disordered & ripe for exploitation to protect the interests of the genocidal Zionists and join their army of sexual deviants.

    The cold hard ‘facts’ their ever-stirring media falsely portrays, to further their agenda, as regards fatherless children speak for themselves. It’s also a cold hard fact that women have ‘smaller’ brains than innocent near-perfect ‘good’ men, who are the number one victim of ‘all’ atrocities so that the ‘beasts’ in seats of power, lusting after our children, can have them more easily and de’moral’ise them and their estranged fathers into ‘self destruction’ more easily. As fatherless children are 2 thirds more likely to kill ‘themselves,’ when raised ‘exclusively’ by the marauding entitled Zsa Zsa. Coincidence?

    I see in many feminist posts that their ‘infantile’ confirmatory-biased anger has been ‘co-opted,’ as I was, by my brain-sullying propaganda and determination to get pseudo-revenge against 100% innocent men who’ve got nothing to do with my totalitarian dictat that he be essentially psychic. My best advice is doubt your ‘reaction’ to truth and relax, because if it’s not fact, ‘after’ you’ve ‘checked’ at-length, you don’t have-to believe it, then when you find out how far you’ve been duped you’ll question your way out of the cave into ‘peaceful’ sunshine. Although don’t expect many to follow.

    Behind ‘every’ seat of pseudo-power is a paedophile land-baron. Unsurprisingly they’re after our children and want us corralled in cities far from their estates and being oppressed and slowly-killed with our Children the next-in-line for bondage. They’re megalomaniacal-psychopaths and can rely on ourselves being similar enough to ‘ingrain’ their self-destructive ‘programming’ into our brains from infancy. When a woman’s saving ‘grace’ is that, unlike male psychopaths, even if she’s a psychopath, women have 30% affective empathy, where male psychopaths would have none.

    But it’s that fact that allows us to be fooled by their countless media outlets and to fool ourselves into the bargain, that we’re caring and fair people, when our actions tell a completely different story and our fatherless children’s fate and our own outcome is ‘mindlessly’ predictable. 90% of western females are bi-sexual psychopaths. We don’t have the amygdaloid capacity for the depth necessary to love and bullshit ourselves constantly, when, as Erol taught me, a lie can ‘never’ be a lie, now consider the volume of lies a woman tells herself on a daily basis and realise ‘why’ she’s so easily hurt and due to her neuro-anatomical limited function in key areas of the brain, seek revenge against innocent honest moral people.

    Which the paedophiles on high can ‘rely’ on, bombarding us with propaganda to target men with our unjustifiable proto-emotional hate, instead of ‘surrendering’ to their moral compass and having ‘love’ in our lives, which the psychopaths don’t want us to have.

    Thus feminist podium bashers are hate-spewers teaching us to destroy ourselves and our children, whilst ‘appearing to be our saviours, all the while ‘encouraging’ us to attack and shun the only chance we have at a life worth living whilst in bloom. It goes unreported that countless men kill themselves nightly as a direct result of the cruelty of bitter female psychopaths. The children of the single mother are more easily hoovered into the paedophile ring behind child services.

    When I first started learning from Erol, I was ridiculously reactionary, due to my Zionist programming. None the less, I persevered and he selflessly taught me what his Christlike brain can ‘see,’ in the valley of the ‘blind,’ where 1 eyed megalomaniacal paedophiles (see, the mason symbol,) believe that they’re king, but assassinate ‘human’ Kings who ‘can’ see what they’re up to. (Eg. Martin Luther King.)

    Most westerners don’t have that great a capacity for moral conscience across their frontal lobes and prefrontal cortex’s, which if they don’t use they ‘lose.’ That’s why we’re taught that ‘morality’ is just our opinion and the truth is just our opinion, to doubt those modules of the brain and ‘surrender’ to our immoral misleaders. When morality is the law of the universe, like gravity, both of which are invisible at first, but just try throwing yourself out the window and see if gravity cares about your ignorance.

    Morality works the same way and since ‘understanding’ that fact from Erol, which psychopaths don’t want you to know, (which is their M.O. to a ‘T,’) I’ve been able to witness miracles unfolding in my life at the pace I’m prepared to ‘do’ what it ‘takes.’ Even though, like 90% of women, I’ve no in-built moral compass, so I’m essentially insane without a moral guide, if left alone to create the narrative of my hyper-defensive ‘imaginary’ self image.

    I don’t ‘expect’ a different result from you, than the 1 Erol got when he 1st spoke truth to me, suffice to say, try and understand, as that will give you the peace I wish you knew, whilst ‘keeping’ your wonderful and admirable fire, necessary to oust Nero from his fiddle and Hilary from her toilet-throne.

    In a nutshell, the way we’re raised means we struggle to make it out of infancy and our automatic ‘denial’ is simply moral-imbecility, since we have been ingrained to be like ‘them.’ I repeat, our saving ‘grace’ is that they can ‘never’ take away a woman’s affective empathy, even-though they ‘atrophy’ our hippocampus. Which we must ‘exercise,’ by looking beyond the end of our own stung nose ‘and’ past the ‘entirely’ Zionist run media, to the ‘real’ crime figures, seen throwing themselves off bridges ‘every’ night, suffering from brain-damage in their prefrontal cortex, due to having had the ‘raging’ result of Zsa Zsa endlessly taking out her power-lust out on him, destroying his life and moving on to her next ‘game,’ thinking highly of herself and her powers-invisible, whilst lizards in wigs behind her cream themselves in Kangaroo courts, licking their lips with forked tongues and hiding ‘our sworn enemy’ on their estates.

    The facts speak for themselves, 3 innocent good family men, throw themselves off of nearly every bridge in the country, ‘every’ night, bar none, yet you ‘never’ read about the ‘deliberate’ result, in the Zionist media encouraging and getting-off on it, you never read that ‘innocent’ men are the number 1 victim of ‘every’ crime bar none. You never read what ‘they’ don’t want you to know, as otherwise you’d see what ‘they’ have done to you and are ‘still’ trying to do to you, (which they get pleasure from,) as otherwise you’d ‘correctly’ take your fire out on ‘them.’ Instead of marching impotently or ignorantly.

    To conclude, you’ll be glad to read, I respect you and what the sowers of sorrows don’t understand is, they’ve built fema camps for us and enraged generations of otherwise-innocent women and hammered the most hated of all people on earth, innocent men and are abusing all out children daily. Yet ‘we’ can turn the tables on those ‘inbred’ psychopath voids, destroying our children, we ‘can’ put ‘them’ in the fema camps and all we need to do is turn our anger, away from innocent men, towards megalomaniacal psychopath paedophiles who are 100% guilty of being able to rely on ‘us’ to destroy ourselves, due to our trampoline-brained rigid aloplastic imaginary-self-image defence mechanism. Which began the day ‘we’ started concentration-campus in infancy and were taught to COMPETE and that we’re ‘equal’ to a near-perfect ‘wholly-different’ endangered-species, whom we were made to ‘compliment’ and support, who’s morality would grant our children’s wishes and our own childhood wishes, of a romance that would make life worth living and which would help ‘save us from ourselves.’

    p.s. I don’t know about you, but I love a man who doesn’t let me away with anything, as I forget myself from time to time and so still weakly ‘choose’ to factor out my disrespectful urge control, when I unconsciously want, ahem, chocolate. Men have been taught to feel insecure about providing us with ‘consequence,’ as our shrieking-projection makes them self-examine insecurely and over the long term causes them PTSD. Where all of the above is leading us, as hard as it may be to believe, is WW3, thanks to our programming by Zionist lunatics, as war=dead children and dead innocent-men, whilst the paedophile baron proudly titillates itself, sitting miles from their cannons, they throw our children in front of, on massive farmlands home and dry. ~ (Erol is a living Christ, a Christ is simply an ‘evolved’ mind, the kind of mind Zionists assassinate routinely out of existential jealousy as Zionists are an evolutionary cul-de-sac that wants everyone gone so they can evolve beyond the point we’re at now, because we’re all ‘more’ evolved than they are. The present ‘misleaders’ are far worse only because they’ve got technology to expose us to genocidal megadeath which previous megalomaniacal cults didn’t have, however, the incumbent killed most of the following; Jesus of Nazareth, his cousin John the Baptist, Martin Luther King, John Lennon, Che Guevara, Bob Marley, Abraham Lincoln, John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Socrates, Gandhi, et al.)


    • I have no idea what you are blabbering on about, some sort of anti-semetic, anti-feminist conspiracy theory? No thanks. This wasn’t even an article on feminism, and neither do I hate men, so shame you didn’t actually read my blog before spamming me with copy-pasta.

      Also the website of your cult leader looks like it was made on Windows 95. Wait this guy is a comedian though this must all be a joke?!

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